Cinema Oceano

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-20 um 21.36.36
Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-20 um 21.37.27
Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-20 um 21.37.02
Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-20 um 21.35.49
Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-20 um 21.37.13
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Cinema Oceano

2-Channel Video Installation ( Videoloop, 1 min, Color, Sound , 2021 ) ; Curtain no1 (270 x 400 cm) (Patchwork, Textile, 2021); Curtain no2 (300 x 300 cm) (Patchwork, Textile, 2021) ; “what was standing still, is moving” (Photoseries, 40×30 cm, 2021; Untitled (Poem on Paper, 2021)

Concept and Realisation: Nigel Gavus & Ilkin Beste Cirak

The two-channel video installation „Cinema Oceano“ displays the conversion of an empty and abandoned parking lot transforming into an unusual cinema space without the presence of film or a movie screen.

Through the act of looking at the seawhich symbolises the vivid presence of the infinite, we experience a still view shaping a solid form. The site-specific installation of a patchwork curtain draws viewers attention to the filmic window, which can be considered as the entrance of the cinema space.

Through reinstalling the elements of the work into the white cube, a reproduction of the public intervention Cinema Oceano is (re)achieved by the artists, which frames the (im)possibility of reproduction.

A sustained meditation on the reflection of time, space and the process of image making.