
flimmer.club X Size Matters Screening/Group-Exhibition 2021
Artists: Simone Bader, Nigel Gavus, Michael Dietrich, Georg Eggenfellner, Mark Jago, Carla Lacar
Lotte Schreiber
Curated by: Sasha Pirker
Mars Exposure 1.0 (super8 to video, 4:00 min, 2020) – click here for more infos!
Synopsis (ENG):
The world is getting smaller and far, far away. Finally we are here to redefine the boundaries of dreams and fantasies. Mars has stimulated the imagination of humans for centuries. Through the imagination it is possible to travel beyond the limits of physical reality. Become an astronaut, take a camera, get into the spaceship to explore the tracks and experience them as visual images. Is it possible to live in childhood memories? An invitation to an intrinsic journey!