The tale of the crying willow (Video, Color, Sound, 04:50 min, 2023)

In collaboration with Mari Baudi & Janine Jop

Synopsis (En):

The Tale of the Crying Willow“ invites viewers into a world where the boundary between folklore and reality blurs. Inspired by the legend of „La Llorona,“ this short film centers around a mysterious willow tree and an alluring woman who seems to embody the spirit of a weeping ghost. The viewers find themselves entangled in a web of themes such as lust, greed and the enduring power of nature. An abstract and thought-provoking journey into the impact of how ancient myths resonate within the human psyche and continue to influence the world today.

Director/Camera/Edit: Nigel Gavus ; Performance/Costumedesign: Mari Baudi; Music: Janine Jop